Malaysian Curry Laksa
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Malaysian Curry Laksa

Malaysian Curry Laksa

Mr. Chen's | Ready in 10 | Serves 2

There is nothing better than a big bowl of laksa after a long, busy day. Mr Chen's Malaysian Laska Kit is filled with steamy laksa soup, Hokkien noodles, spring onions and shallots, tasting so good that it makes it hard to believe you made this yourself!


Always read product labels for the most up-to-date allergen information. Visit for allergen and ingredient information. If you have received a substitute ingredient, please be aware allergens may have changed.

Preparation Time10 minutes
Cooking Time


/ Serving 2 people

1 portion

Malaysian Curry Laksa Kit

(Contains Gluten, Crustacean, Soy; May be present: Peanut, Sesame. )


Nutritional Values

Energy (kJ)1915 kJ
Fat22.7 g
of which saturates11.8 g
Carbohydrate53.8 g
of which sugars9.7 g
Protein9.7 g
Sodium2837 mg
The average adult daily energy intake is 8700 kJ



1: In a medium saucepan, add 500ml of water & the laska soup sachet. Heat until boiling. 2: Add the Hokkien noodles, dried vegetables and the prawns to the saucepan. Boil for 5 minutes. 3: Serve in a bowl topped with crunchy bean shoots, Vietnamese mint and chilli.