Speedy Chicken Run Kiev with Sweet Potato Wedges
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Speedy Chicken Run Kiev with Sweet Potato Wedges

Speedy Chicken Run Kiev with Sweet Potato Wedges

This perfectly crispy chicken oozing with garlicky cheesy goodness is the perfect comfort food. Don’t be afraid to let your breasts get really browned up – you want a lovely crackly shell when you pull these out of your oven. Sweet potato chips provide a little twist on the ol’ meat and two veg routine, and whacking everything in the oven means you have more time to relax – and think about how healthy oven baking your dinner is!


Always read product labels for the most up-to-date allergen information. Visit hellofresh.com.au/foodinfo for allergen and ingredient information. If you have received a substitute ingredient, please be aware allergens may have changed.

Preparation Time45 minutes
Cooking Time


Serving amount

300 g

sweet potato

50 g

Cheddar cheese

(Contains Milk;)

2 clove


2 fillet

chicken breast

2 tsp

dried Italian herbs

50 g


(Contains Gluten;)

½ head


Not included in your delivery

3 tbs

olive oil




Nutritional Values

per serving
Calories3650 kcal
Fat41.6 g
of which saturates10.3 g
Carbohydrate42.8 g
of which sugars11.8 g
Dietary Fibre0 g
Protein76.1 g
Sodium0 mg
The average adult daily energy intake is 8700 kJ


Baking Tray



Pre heat your oven to 210 degrees C/190 degrees fan-forced.

Wash and scrub the sweet potatoes

Scrub, (but do not peel) your sweet potatoes under water and then cut them lengthways into chunky chips. Coat the sweet potatoes in olive oil and season well will salt and pepper. Put them on a baking tray and cook for about 25 minutes or until cooked through. if you like them nice and crunchy slice them very finely and watch them when they hit the 10-15 minutes mark.

Cut and stuff the chicken breasts

Mix together the cheese, half of the garlic and a good grind of salt and pepper. Cut a hole a few centimetres long into the side of the chicken breast (at the plump end) and move the knife around inside to make a pocket, being careful not to cut through to the other side. Spoon in your cheese and press the hole close.

Coat chicken breast in breadcrumbs

Mix together the herbs, breadcrumbs, remaining garlic and season the mix well with salt and pepper. Coat each chicken breast with oil, then roll in the breadcrumb mixture. Bake in the oven, in a separate pan (below the sweet potato) for about 25 minutes. Steam your broccoli until just tender.


Serve your chicken with roasted sweet potato and broccoli; before sending in the troops to clean up! Did you know? Worldwide cheese production amounts to more than the combined worldwide production of coffee, tobacco, tea, and cocoa beans.